
Goals I Won’t Achieve by Thirty

Thirty. The big 30. The year that everyone always says you should have achieved certain things by. A supposed marker for real adulthood, where all of a sudden if you haven’t achieved these societal expectations you must be…dun dun dun…behind. With thirty right around the corner I have been thinking a lot about the goals …


10 Underrated Art Gems of Rome

Rome. The Eternal City. Italy’s most popular tourist destination and a city that is over 2,500 years in the making. Whether you’ve already seen all of the “Top 10 Things to See in Rome” and you’re looking for more places to find art, or whether you’re just a traveler who likes to see a city …


The Streets of Valpo

We arrived in Valparaiso, Chile as the sun was rising over the Sapphire blue bay. The crisp coastline air was freeing in contrast to the unwavering humidity of previous weeks, and the salty smell of the sea was a promise of renewed vitality. This was what I had been waiting for. Tensions in the group …